Tuesday, 31 October 2017


At last I am able to walk the
dogs again after the accident.

And I get the coldest morning
of the autumn so far. 

Still a little way to go before
I can do the full walk, but
it's the best part of the day around
sunrise, and good to be back in the fields.


What is the point of pumpkins?
You grow 8 of them, carve one for
halloween, then you are left with this
weak tasting gourd pulp which is useless
apart from making soups.

And the last of the raspberries.
We have had so many of them, we 
are heartily sick of them.
Still, this raspberry rum should be nice over Xmas.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017


Took a bit of a battering yesterday. was passing the school on 
my scooter, when one of the teachers came screaming
out the feeder road forcing me to take evasive action.
Straight over the bike and a couple of forward rolls.
Blood everywhere with a broken nose, multiple cuts 
and bruises and 3 dislocated fingers.
Bloody sore this morning, but no lasting damage.
The best advice I got, buy a decent crash helmet.
That saved me from more harm.