Monday, 23 March 2009


Even tho' the pub in the village is shut for the week, we were lucky enough to get an invitation for a meal on Sunday evening.
The table was set up in the bar and we had a great night with friends.
Bruno made a giant pot of couscous which was superb and we drank half the bar dry .
David and his girlfriend Marie-Helene are moving to Normandy next week which is sad for us but a great for them as David has got a new job with a plumbing company.
They will be back to visit often.
Bruno dishes up.

Entente Cordiale at it's best
A great night!


brittanyfezzhead said...

You could double as a greg mckay lookalike now al, wheres your hair gone, are you gonna grow a moustache and start wearing bins next.

brittanyfezzhead said...

tell that bloke next to you to give your glasses back.

Anonymous said...

Al, do you shake as much as greg yet.

Al and Marie said...

Shake as much as Greg..Oh come on...If we were doing the Hippy Hippy Shake in a freezer we wouldn't rattle as much.

Al and Marie said...

Look alike....It's my summer cut..cropped to the max.
I thought I was begining to look like Jade Goody.
Question..When they carried her from her house..did she come out in a body bag or a goody bag?