Thursday, 29 October 2009


First time in a while on Mikhail's new boat. With the unseasonably good weather we set off early afternoon with a few hours fishing before darkness.
Mikhail had put the lobster trap out 2 days earlier, and a result at last. 2 lobsters, one had to be put back as it was too small. But the 2nd was a beauty and was taken aboard.

At 26 euros a kilo, this was a great catch. The trap has been lowered to the bottom of the sea again.

Also 6 mackarel were caught.
A good afternoon was had.

The sea was like a mill pond. Calm and still warm.


jenn weston said...

glad to hear the lobster pot is finally recouping a profit. Graham now sicker than a parrott cos wer'e stuck back here !!. Keep up the blog it's keeping us in touch with what's going while we're over here.

Ask Marie to take some photos of my flowers in the wall when they come thro. All the best Jeanette and Graham

Al and Marie said...

Thanks guy's.
Just had a big oil delivery. Reckon we are in for a cold winter.
The village footie team are still losing every week, darts and pool going very well, and the dogs are enjoying the extra space to run around in now the crops have been done.
Trust you are both well!