Thursday, 14 June 2012


The newly formed branch of the St Potan Hells Angels are delighted to announce we now have 2 Harley Davidsons.
Now we can both go out at weekends and especially bank holidays, to cause trouble at local seaside resorts.
With thanks to Mum and Bob, who have made our dream come true of being feared by all motorists in Brittany.

The above picture shows one of our "Angels" planting some dodgy smoking material to be used by the Chapter for those heavy rock parties.

P.S. The dog lying on the floor has not just been run over!


shirley sambrook said...

As long as you stay on that side of the Channel we should be safe. P.S. Marie looks slim in the background!!5

Anonymous said...

Have you mastered the French art of tail-gating?

Once you have mastered that you can move on to "emerging from blindspot to overtake approaching a hill summit", and the more complex "blind bend weave ~ succesfully overtaking and cutting back to avoid head-on collision".

These feature in the later stage of the French driving qualification.