Thursday, 19 March 2015


Today was the France Nord Royal Navy 
Association AGM at the 13 Assiettes, Pontaubault.
A great day for me as I was presented with my 
South Atlantic medal by Ray Yeowell,
a survivor of "The Yangtzee Incident"
HMS Amethyst in 1949.

I was on HMS Southampton during the Falklands Campaign,
and we arrived shortly after the ceasefire, or should I
say, Victory over the Argentinians.

The qualification period for the medal was extended
to 21st October 1982, hence my award.

I was down south for 5 months in defence watches
on the Southampton. 8 hours on, 8 hours off.
Although we never saw action, we were involved in much clearing up, and the securing of the exclusion zone.
With a few scares of air attack in between.
I share the honour of this medal with my fellow
But most of all with my best run ashore oppo, Brian "Jock" Malcolm who died on HMS Glamorgan,
and remains on patrol.

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