Thursday, 21 May 2020


Nearly 10 weeks of covid lockdown.
To be honest, to us, apart from not
going out for a beer or meals, not
much has really changed.
Sometimes during the week, we
only see the postman in normal times.

Not going to the shop every day is
also a bit of a bonus as we have saved
quite a few euros with sensible shopping.
Going to the supermarket just twice a week 
and doing it quick has proven to be easy.
Always have a good stock of beer and wine
is also essential.

Plus we have been making lots of stuff we
normally buy in.
Bread being the main thing.
Above, we made meatballs for the freezer,
so all in all, good times.

With less people around and cars on the road,
nature has got braver.
Seeing all sorts of birds in the garden, and
the bees have been churning out
great pollution free honey.

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