Sunday, 25 May 2008


St Malo is worth a visit. But mark my words, don't stop for a drink as the "cheese eating surrender monkey's" seem to think having a view in the walled part of the town is a licence to print euros. One coffee, 1/2 a lemonade with syrop was 6 euros 60 cents. About £5-50. Then to make it worse, a group of hairy arsed bikers from Barnsley decided to sit near us and discuss the delights of spark plugs, speed, and not washing. Coming from Yorkshire is bad enough, but being a greebo as well, life is so cruel!!
Not an enjoyable way to sit and drink the worlds most expensive coffee!!!!


Anonymous said...

well i have the opposite at the moment , the land over here at the moment is so dry we can not even fill our pool up !! :-)from neil key

Al and Marie said...

Take some of ours ...please!

Anonymous said...

Looks like your colostomy bag finally gave up!

brittanyfezzhead said...

kev terminal 1 walsh enjoying his coffee with a nice cherryade chaser......