Saturday, 1 December 2012


This year has just shot by.
Now I am never grumpy over the festive period, but here are things I hate at this time of year.

1. Having to go in the loft and bringing the xmas decorations down.

2. Putting xmas decorations up.

3. Getting the electric bill for all those xmas decorations at the end of the month.

4. Crowded supermarkets.

5. Noddy Holder.

6. Carol singers.

7. Festive TV

8. Satsumas.

9. Nuts

10. Mince Pies.

11. Over priced chocolates from Switzerland.

12. Kids.

Apart from that, I am really looking forward to xmas. 


Unknown said...

Bah hunbug, eh Alan, lol

Unknown said...

Bah humbug, eh Alan, lol