Sunday, 29 December 2019


The Friends of St Potan Xmas lunch was held
in the village on the 21st December.

20 locals plus our Xmas guests had a 3 course 
lunch with wine in what was a great event.


A few weeks after we thought we were going
to lose him, Arthur has made an outstanding recovery.

With steroid medication, and a special diet
to help his kidney's, he is almost
as good as new.

Monday, 18 November 2019


Sunday 10th November, I did my first
ever Cenotaph parade in London.

I was part of the HMS Ark Royal Association
platoon of 27.
Met some old faces.

Must admit there was a lot of standing around
in the cold.
0930 at Horse Guards, we didn't march till
gone 1130.
I made it on the I Player.
That's me bottom left.


Poor old Arth has been very poorly.
Spent 4 nights in the vets after his back
legs kept giving way.
Obviously age, at 13 1/2 is a factor, but
he had anaemia as well.
The vets did plenty of tests including
for a tick based disease called Leptosorosis.
Really thought his time was up.
But slowly after being allowed home, and on a course
of anti inflamatories, he is back to 90% of
his old self.

Friday, 4 October 2019


First weekend in September. A full house.
Mac, Kenny 1, Kenny 2, Netty,
Caroline, & Jaqi arrived, for what 
was a booze fuelled weekend party.

The first four named were Navy chefs, 
whose paths I have crossed over the years.

Day out in St Cast, also a Sunday lunch in the
village. A really cracking weekend.

Thursday, 29 August 2019


First Saturday in August, always the biggest
village party around.
Moules frites is our favourite night.
When we first came here 11 years ago,
around 200 would turn up.
Now it is closer to 550.

The day before, I heard old Ark Royal
shipmate Richard Knight and his family
were staying in St Malo.

Great to meet up after 30 years.
They joined the party and stayed the night.


August is always a busy month for visitors.
Marie's sister, Liz, daughter Aileen, husband Dean,
a young Poppy came for a week after a short
ferry delay because of the weather.

A few nice trips out.
Dinan market is always popular on a Thursday.
We also had a few meals out, and of course
a visit to the bar.

Royal Marine dean is training Poppy to carry
his kit around.

Thursday, 1 August 2019


Had a visit for a couple of days from Paul and Deanie.
I served with Paul on HMS Southampton, taking
it from build, right the way through to going
down the Falklands in 1982.
A couple of meals out, beer and wine.
What was not to like.?

Friday, 28 June 2019


, 42.7

11 years and 3 months in France, and this
is the hottest ever day.
34C in the shade, and 42.7C
in the direct sun.
That's 108F in old money.

The dogs are taking ice with
their drinks.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019


As per the agreement when adopting Misty,
we had to get her sterilised.
We would have done anyway.
The vets in Plancoet took her in at 0830,
and she was home by 1615.
She is crying a bit, but is a tough cookie,
and after a few days of calm, she 
will soon be back to duffing up Arthur.


Every year for he past 7 years, we have held
a curry lunch at ours for the 
Royal Navy Association.

34 this year, which was more manageable
this time, after we had 45 last time.

Always a good fundraiser to help
pay for the branch to keep ticking over.


Chrissy and Eamonn came out for a week.
A pretty chilled week.
A couple of meals out, at St Jacut,
and St Cast le Guildo.
Sadly the weather wasn't at it's best most
the time.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

1st VISITORS 2019

First of many visitors this summer have
been and gone.
A few meals out and just a bit of wine
with Kaz and Hills.

Thursday, 2 May 2019


Hive 2 was laden with honey.
After a couple of hours getting it out,
a good haul of 11kg.
It sold out in an hour.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

With the surprisingly warm weather in February, and
a decent March, the blossom is everywhere,
and the hives are full.
We are going to extract a considerable amount
of honey in the next few days.


Seems we have a nesting pair of sparrow hawks in the garden vicinity.
Although we see them often, this is the first
time they have chosen our garden to nest.

Will be keeping an eye out to see if they
are successful. 

Tuesday, 26 March 2019


A momentous day in training. I was let off my lead in the big field. The instructors stood 50 yards apart, shouted my name, and I raced to get my reward. I was that excited, I did overshoot the first couple of times, probably by a further 20 yards. But I soon got the hang of it, and was doing regular 50 yard sprints to order.
My reward was 10 minutes off my lead, which gave me the freedom I have been craving for. I stuck with Uncle Arthur Gard most the time, but also stuck in a few frantic sprints. I came back each time when called. 
That's military discipline for you!
As you can see, I got a bit mucky. 
This afternoon I shall be experiencing ablutions for the first time. This will be interesting.

Saturday, 9 March 2019


We seem to have found a good pupil here.
Less than 2 weeks in we have mastered "sit" "down",
half decent lead walking, and toilet training.
Misty even bashes the keys in the front door
to let you know she wants out.
She can't go in to the countryside yet.
The injections have to kick in, but she 
should be fine late next week.

Friday, 1 March 2019


What we have here is a fast learner.
The "sit" and "down" was mastered
in minutes.
As was "Blanket" which is her outside
safe place.

She sleeps in her cage at night. Wailed the first night,
but Marie has been sleeping downstairs on the sofa,
which has settled her a bit more.

Bonding with Arthur was a bit slow, but here
we are on day 4 and things have improved.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019


After 550 miles of travelling, via 3 different cars,
Misty has made it to her forever home.
Arthur is a bit put out, but we are working on that.

Her first full day involved "sit" training, which went very well.
She has made herself at home so quickly.

Plenty of time for toys as well, and as I type she is
tired out on the sofa.

Friday, 22 February 2019


Unseasonably warm weather arrived yesterday.
17C in February is very rare.

Great to have a bimble around the village
in bright sunshine after a gloomy few months,

Was even able to mow the back garden as the grass
that had grown over winter had got quite long.
A fine day finished off with a glass of vino
in the garden for the first time this year.